Mind Age® Clock: Enhance Mental Health and Build Resilience

What is Mind Age®?

The Mind Age® Clock offers insights into the cognitive and emotional aspects of aging. By assessing an individual’s perception of time, which can significantly impact behaviour, emotions, and overall well-being, the Mind Age® Clock provides a unique measure of mental age. This subjective experience varies by person and is influenced by factors such as age, cultural background, personality, and life experiences. 

Combining self-assessment surveys with cognitive testing, our Mind Age® Clock delivers a detailed report on mental health and overall well-being. The report deep dives into various personality traits captured through 6 wellbeing scores and provides recommendations to improve upon these parameters. Use these insights to make informed lifestyle and healthcare decisions aimed at enhancing mental health and improving well-being as you age.

How Mind Age® works?

  • Psychological Survey filled by the user

  • Mind Age compared to chronological age

  • Interventions from Psychologists and other Experts

  • Tailored content, Tips, Adherence Reminders

  • Repeat the survey and continue to be on the wellness path

Answering the Questionnaire

By completing our expertly designed survey, our AI algorithm can evaluate your current mental health and determine your overall well-being. This assessment provides valuable insights into your cognitive and emotional well-being, helping you understand and manage your mental health more effectively.

Why it matters?

Our research reveals that poor mental health accelerates the aging process even more than smoking, while a positive mindset and improved psychological well-being contribute to genuine happiness, increased productivity, and greater longevity.

To enhance your lifespan and boost productivity, prioritizing mental health is essential.

Mind Age® Report on core Wellbeing Parameters

Who is it for?


Help patients improve their psychological wellbeing and mental resilience. Expand services, improve customer retention and get more revenue.


HR Leadership can now really take care of the employees. Improve the enthusiasm and productivity of the workforce. Mind Age technology can help cultivate a more resilient work culture, keep employees happy, improve productivity and increase talent retention.


Novel customer engagement – offer personalised recommendations for improved mental health and wellbeing based on the psychological profile of a person. Attract more leads and keep customers engaged with a cutting-edge mental health technology.

Mental Health Therapists

Enable patients to evaluate their psychological wellbeing, understand the consequences, and seek help before it’s too late. Attract, inform, motivate, and sign up more patients. 

How it works?

Live demo

Mental Health with
A(I) Difference


We recognize that each individual is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to mental health. For instance, workplace anxiety may manifest differently for different people. Psychologist-recommended interventions, such as time management training, mindfulness practices, and cognitive-behavioural therapy, help individuals manage their perception of time and enhance overall well-being. 

Our AI algorithm is designed to identify each user’s specific needs and deliver a personalized wellness pathway. Tailored content, tips, and adherence reminders play a crucial role in keeping individuals on track. Personalized prompts to engage in mental health activities can support well-being and help users maintain balance and control. 

Our personalization algorithm is scalable to millions of users while avoiding stereotypes. For example, younger individuals may receive interventions focused on developing coping skills and building resilience, while older adults may focus on maintaining cognitive function and promoting healthy aging. 

Finally, ongoing surveys and wellness tracking empower individuals to monitor their progress and pinpoint areas for improvement. This consistent feedback helps maintain motivation and encourages lasting changes that enhance well-being.

Virtuous circle of mental health and wellness with the help of AI

Ensemble of deep learning models analyses user-submitted questionnaire to provide personalised recommendations that are aimed to increase one’s mental health, resilience and longevity potential. Personalisation improves the acceptability and engagement of the intervention by making it relevant and meaningful to the individual. This can be important as these interventions may require a significant commitment of time and effort from the individual.

Mind Age and Happiness

CEO of Deep Longevity, Deepankar Nayak, speaks at King’s College London

Know more about Mind Age

What is Mind Age?

Mind Age is Deep Longevity’s aging clock that estimates one’s psychological or Lifestyle age based on a psychological / lifestyle questionnaire. A respondent’s answers may be collected online, in person, via a phone interview / contact centre, or printed forms. In addition to a psychological age estimate, respondents will receive useful tips on how to improve their psychological well-being and a complete report on mental health.

What is psychological age?

Human motivations and emotions evolve as people grow older. Some of these psychological trends are so reliable that they may be used to guess one’s current chronological age. Psychological age is thus one’s position in this array of psychological transformations expressed as years of age.

Due to a variety of personal histories and innate tendencies some people go through their aging-related psychological progression faster than others. Unlike biological age, it is not always better to have lower psychological age. One’s life goals and priorities determine if their current psychological age is suboptimal: some people would benefit from adopting a more mature outlook while others might need to become younger at heart.

How is psychological age connected to biological age and health?

Good mental health is an essential part of healthy aging healthy aging. Our research has shown that poor psychological health acelerates one’s biological pace of aging. Some people might actually improve their mental and physical health by adopting a more mature mindset.

How is the Mind Age clock validated?

Mind Age, as well as other aging clocks developed by Deep Longevity, have been published in peer-reviewed academic journals .

Is Mind Age ready and available for clinical and medical uses?

Mind Age is not a diagnostic tool. However, it may be able to assist healthcare professionals for the purposes of initial assessment of psychological state and further progress by monitoring the response of patients to our psychological questionnaire in guided therapies . Some itFuturSelfrations of Mind Age, such as FuturSelf, may also be used as a self-improvement tool without professional oversight.

Our recommendation engine provides personalized tips self-improvement based on an individual’s current mental state assessed with Mind Age.

How does Mind Age use machine learning to calculate psychological age?

Our Mind Age project is an ensemble of deep learning models trained to predict one’s chronological age, mental health risks, and future well-being.

By processing thousands of psychological profiles obtained from public sources such as MIDUS and NHANES with deep learning algorithms, we have created these tools that may be used to gain useful insights on users’ mental health. Making these models available through projects like futurself.ai has allowed us to collect tens of thousands of psychological profiles that we have used to fine-tune Mind Age models.

Currently, the Mind Age project consists of deep neural networks, self-organizing maps, and clustering algorithms that exchange their outputs to parse aging-related trends in human psychology and determine the best course of action for each users based on their background.

How does the Mind Age recommendation engine work?

Self-organizing maps are the foundation of our Mind Age recommendation engine. It is a method of unsupervised learning that groups people on a 2D plane based on the similarity of their psychological profiles. The regions on this map are scored based on the associated risk of mental illness, personal preference, and level of mental well-being. Then, the adjacent high scoring region is picked as the destination point for a user. Once the itinerary for a new user is composed, a curated database of psychological advice is sought for entries that can promote the desired shift in the psychological profile.

Can these recommendations be followed without professional oversight?

Mind Age offers the tools that may be used for self-improvement with no professional guidance. However, we believe that AI-tools cannot replace the nuanced attention a human expert can provide to their patient through one-on-one sessions.

How long does it take to get reports?

Mind Age Summary reports can be generated within minutes after completing the survey. Our team is always there if you run into any problems.

How will patient data be used?

Deep Longevity may use anonymized patient data for further research and fine-tuning of its deep learning models.

Are there any data privacy concerns? Where is Mind Age patient data stored?

We use best-in-class security practices and encryption to secure patient data. All the information-handing is compliant with international and local laws.

The Mind Age aging clock, as well as all the patient data, is stored on Amazon AWS servers.

How to sign up for Mind Age as a Hospital, Lab, or Business?

As of December 2022, Mind Age can be accessed by our commercial partners. Mind Age is currently being integrated into our B2B portal SenoClock.AI and is expected to be released as an extension to it in Feb 2023.

For further inquiries on the commercial availability of Mind Age, reach out to us at [email protected]

Do you provide a trial account for hospitals? How to sign up for the Mind Age free trial?

Yes. We can provide a trial account for hospitals and other businesses that may want to implement Mind Age for their patients, customers, or employees.

Please write to us at [email protected]. Our team will connect you with an expert as soon as possible.

Is it possible to integrate Mind Age with our patient management software and other programs?

Yes. Mind Age can be accessed via API to enable the development of third-party tools and plug-ins for existing software.

How many reports can Mind Age generate in a day?

Mind Age’s throughput is practically uncapped as it is hosted on the cloud.
If you operate at a large scale, please contact us for a special arrangement.