SenoClock® is Deep Longevity’s SaaS platform that hosts all its aging clocks

Upload Blood Reports and Psychological surveys to SenoClock® and uncover personalized insights to enhance longevity

Our aging clocks use patented technology to analyze real-time data, including clinical blood reports, psychological assessments, microbiomic profiles, and more, to accurately predict both Biological and Psychological Age. This groundbreaking platform empowers you to make informed decisions about your health and wellness, paving the way for a healthier future.

100% SaaS

Quick and secure access over the web.

All Aging clocks

All Deep Longevity clocks available from a single application

Instantaneous predictions

Get age predictions and reports in minutes.

Highly scalable

From a few dozen to tens of thousands of users.

Blood Age

Clinical Blood Reports with a range of biomarkers (up to 54) are used to provide accurate blood age predictions with a personalized summary report.  

Mind Age

Psychological Questionnaire to predict Mind Age, Wellbeing profile, predict Future Wellbeing scores and recommendations to reach the higher wellbeing state in the future

Epigenetic Age

DNA Methylation age calculated from Illumina Infinium arrays

Biometrics Age

This unique clock uses 17 Blood markers and 4 Biometrics
measures to predict biological age.

Enterprise Reporting 

At SenoClock, we provide a view of your usage by tracking number of reports generated. Our dashboard displays a detailed record of the tests conducted across Business Units or multiple clinics. 

  • Test Monitoring: Keep track of the number of reports generated for each test type.
  • Usage Trend Analysis: View graphical trends over the last six months with distinct colors for Blood Age, Mind Age, and Epigenetic Age.

Blood Age Preview

Assess your biological age with advanced biomarkers. Customize details like value ranges and units, and even add extra biomarkers. Our intuitive interface offers a detailed preview for easy interpretation. Take control of your health journey with SenoClock, empowering you to stay informed and embrace a healthier tomorrow.Top of Form

  • Integrated PDF Viewing: View and edit reports without switching windows.
  • Enhanced Data Interaction: Real-time data adjustments in an intuitive interface.

Organ Health Scores

At SenoClock, we provide detailed insights into your organ health using advanced blood analysis. Our platform processes your report to generate individual health scores for key organs, such as the kidneys, liver, lipids and glucose. Visual representation of health metrics for each organ and simple charts and graphs for quick understanding give a clear view of your organ health scores.

Impact of Aging Genes

At SenoClock, we provide you with a comprehensive analysis of your biological age by examining the top 5 aging genes that significantly influence your epigenetic age. The dashboard above illustrates the impact of these genes, helping you understand which genetic factors play the most crucial role in your aging process.

  • Impact Analysis: The bar graph visually represents the influence of each gene, allowing you to see how each contributes to your overall epigenetic profile.
  • Personalized Insights: By understanding the role of these genes, you can take proactive measures to manage your health and potentially slow down the aging process.

What more can you do with SenoClock ?

Calculate biological age on the go

Upload simple blood test data commonly used in annual health check-ups access the Blood Age report online

‌Get complete information

Discover individual organ health scores, identify which biomarkers have the greatest impact, understand where to focus your efforts, and set your biological age target

Improve aging

Each report includes personalized diet, exercise, lifestyle & supplement recommendations to enhance biological age, promote well-being, and achieve longevity

Watch our demo video for a comprehensive tour of this powerful AI-driven platform. Gain unprecedented insights into your overall potential for well-being with highly personalized, innovative, and actionable recommendations to enhance longevity and achieve your wellness goals.

SenoClock® Demo

Frequently asked questions about SenoClock® and its underlying technology

What is SenoClock?

SenoClock is Deep Longevity’s SaaS platform that provides all its aging clocks and longevity recommendations. It’s available over the web and accessible via all modern desktop browsers.

Why is it called SenoClock?

‘Seno-‘ is a Latin root associated with aging. And the platform provides aging clocks. Hence, SenoClock.

Why are there so few aging clocks?

SenoClock currently has Blood Age clock and will have the Psychological Clock in Q1 2023.. We plan to add more aging clocks in the future. Kindly check the product roadmap here..

Do you offer a free trial?

SenoClock comes with a demo/trial license that allows professionals to test the product. Kindly send an email to [email protected] for limited-period access.

How is this platform validated? Is it validated for clinical use?

All our aging clocks have been published in peer-reviewed academic journals. For example, we have validated Blood Age in multiple populations and research settings to show that its predictions are a significant all-cause mortality risk factor.

How does SenoClock rely on AI and machine learning to determine biological age?

The aging process leaves numerous footprints in the human body. Damage accumulates. Some metabolic processes go haywire. But this buildup is gradual, spread across decades.

Humans can easily tell how old a person is by studying the face of a person: wrinkles, pigmentation, tone, hair, all these features tell us how old a person really is. In our minds, we have a lookup table that adds X years for each sign of aging we’ve noticed. And in the end, we treat the perceived age as a proxy for health. A person who has old skin in their 30s makes us wonder what is wrong with them, while an elderly man who looks 20 years younger elicits admiration.

We can do that because we’ve had all our lives to train this skill and are constantly surrounded by faces that can serve to hone it. But if you show someone a blood panel of an unknown man and ask what their age is, anyone will be hard-pressed to produce a correct guess.

So, we create digital models of aging that can interpret any data type in the context of aging. We feed algorithms thousands of subjects until they develop the same kind of “intuition” we enjoy while looking at someone’s face.

How does the recommendation engine work? How does it determine the course of action for a patient?

Our aging clocks not only predict biological age but also list the main contributors to the same. Once we know exactly what is causing a person to age faster, the recommendation engine checks the curated database for any applicable solutions and suggests the same.

How can individual patients access SenoClock?

SenoClock is available to enterprises only. Patients can ask their physician practice to get in touch with Deep Longevity.

Does SenoClock recommend dietary supplements or specific wellness programs?

Some dietary supplements are there in the recommendation database. But patients are not supposed to start them without expert consultation and supervision.

Can governments and policymakers use Senoclock to improve longevity for the whole population?

Of course! SenoClock and our It may be used for frequent screening to improve the longevity of the population.

Is patient data secured with SenoClock?

We rely on the best-in-class cloud cyber security and encryption technology as per local and international laws. Each customer will have an instance where anonymised patient data can be uploaded.

How do you plan to use patient data in the future?

Deep Longevity may use annonymized patient data for further studies and research. It will help the development of better and more advanced tools to achieve longevity.

How long does it take to learn SenoClock? Do you offer training to use SenoClock?

We offer a 1-HOUR training session when you sign up. It is usually more than enough. SenoClock is an intuitive, easy to use platform

How long does it take to generate a report on SenoClock?

Our results are usually generated within a couple of minutes per report.

How many reports can SenoClock generate in a day?

There are no such limits on the number of reports. You can generate as many as you require!

What are the system requirements for SenoClock?

It’s a 100% web based SaaS platform. Any modern desktop browser with internet connectivity will be enough to access SenoClock without interruption.

Can we integrate SenoClock with our patient management software and other platforms?

Yes. We offer an API service (link) for integration with other apps or programs.

Do you offer SenoClock via an API?

Yes. All Deep Longevity clocks are available via APIs as well.

How will we get results from SenoClock?

SenoClock works via the web. You upload patient data and get the results on your screen, ready to download. Please see product demo here –

Are there any data privacy risks? Where are SenoClock's servers located?

We host SenoClock on Amazon AWS in the region where the customer is located.

Is there a SenoClock demo available?

Please see product demo here –